The action of taking a warm and wet poop on someone’s chest.
Dude you better stop before I Human latte all over you.
An insult, commonly used for people who are spineless (figurative), or for people who you want to snap their spine.
Person 1: "Hey Jared!"
Person 2: "You are a Dislocated Human Vertebra"
Person 1: "Oh."
Someone who goes around causing shit for their own enjoyment.
person 1- "ah yes i gage posted again, he really sperged out this time"
person 2- "you are a true piece of human malware aren't you?"
Humans Against Genesis refers to a commercial for the original Sonic the Hedgehog for Genesis featuring Larry Cedar where Cedar plays a woman named Denita Stokes who is the CEO of Humans Against Genesis, or HAG for short. The commercial is known for featuring some prototype footage of the game as well.
Narrator: Denita Stokes, President of Humans Against Genesis (HAG).
Stokes: It’s bad enough that the Sega Genesis had the most 16 Bit games but this new Sonic the Hedgehog, oh, He really dusts my doilys! They say he’s incredibly fast. Well what’s the hurry, mister? And about his attitude. Smartie pants! Why can’t he be like that nice boy, Mario?
Sonic:*zooms off*
A verb. To take a person FROM a place and relocate them TO a different place against their will for 0 dollars.
Hym "If he didn't human traffic anyone then he isn't a human trafficer. Let it go. Do you know why you REALLY hate Andrew Tate? You want me to tell you? You hate Andrew Tate for the SAME EXACTLY REASON that I berated that fucking retard. Because he's CLAIMING to be an extra special guy... And YOU KNOW FOR A FACT (because you're READING THIS HERE right now)... That he is NOT AN EXTRA SPECIAL GUY! I did all the thinking. He didn't do 'The Work.' He got the women TO DO IT FOR HIM. He 'Owned the right thing' by literally getting a mafia guy to GIVE a casino to him (Likely by SAYING THINGS I'VE SAID). And the conversion into 'Self-help work salesman' was 👨 🍳🤭😘 a masterpiece! It was a thing of beauty! Like watching heaven get sucked into a black hole! But you're not even mad at him at that point. That's all just CAPITALISM! HE'S JUST SOME RANDOM KICKBOXER! HE'S JUST SOME FUCKING GUY! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! AND YOU CAN'T EVEN FUCKING ADMIT IT! So the socialists hate him because 'capitalism bad.' Destiny hates him because 'Oh shit! They're going to find out I'm not Hym!' And the CAPITALISTS hate him because WHAT HE MEANS... What HIS VERY EXISTENCE MEANS...