A code meant to alert a significant other of a potentially embarrassing run in with a past sexual partner. This is to be able to tell them in front of children or other family or co workers etc. without having to explain in an awkward Situation.
(At your child’s 4th grade open house in a new school)
Him “oh god, code orange by the pencil sharpener “
Her “ in the dress? Or the boob shirt?”
Him “ boob shirt “
Her “oh, buddy, good job”
so good mmm i love the orange pringle. not as good as drinking the orange
mm hey man you drank the orange? yeah man but i much prefer the orange pringle mmm so good
A hunting weekend. Blaze orange is commonly worn by hunters and an orange holiday is time taken to go hunting.
"Tell your boss this weekend is an orange holiday!"
Annoying Orange's Shocktober form that he hasn't recovered from yet.
1 14 1 12 15 7 15 18 1 14 7 5 9 19 13 1 19 20 5 18
A sexual phrase meaning to make a girl cum.
Brandon: Hey man I just juiced the orange
Steffani: Who's?
Brandon: Sarah's.
When your dick smells like orange
Friend: bro she said I had orange dick!
Me: what the hell is that?
Friend:you don't wanna know.