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Robert Downey Sr.

American actor/filmmaker.

Born Robert John Elias Jr. on June 24, 1936, Robert Downey Sr. first achieved fame as an actor, and later took up filmmaking in the late 1960s. His most notable films are perhaps "Putney Swope" and "Pound," the latter of which starred his five-year-old son, who was none other than -- you guessed it -- Robert Downey Jr.

Downey Sr. retired in the early 2010s after being diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease. He later died from complications of the disease on July 7, 2021. He was 85 years old.

Although he was overshadowed by his son later on in his life, Robert Downey Sr. was definitely always respected for his talent as a filmmaker.

by Someone who kinda exists July 23, 2021

Robert Rigatoni

A Robert Rigatoni is the type of individual you would expect to be handsome, smart, attractive and beautiful. Robert Rigatoni is none of these, however he makes a banging tiramisu.

Shut the fuck up Robert Rigatoni

by JerrySeinfeldOfficial October 18, 2024

Jonny Roberts

When you do something in a video game of great pride, you find this in your pants.


by IDontWantYouToKnowMyName May 26, 2010

Robert Tyler Poulter

He probaly says FSFS all the time and has no hoes but like 3 girls and he has a bestfriend who is a boy with curly hair and his friend has a girlfriend. Robert is a kind loving sweet man with blue eyes and curly hair he is majestic his mom is a teacher and his dad he's gone and dead but other then that he is a loving young man

Yo whats up Robert Tyler Poulter Aiden
Hey? - Robert

by 123456789191928273 March 10, 2023

robert gormley

-a really cool guy
- usualy has a foot long if you catch my drift
- can kick your ass

"look out for robert gormley he once killed a deer with his cock

by Amy smith123 November 24, 2010

Jason chode Roberts

A man with short stumpy Arms

“Oh Shit! Jason Chode Roberts has chode Arms

by Jason Chode Roberts November 12, 2019

Daniel Robert Seavey

An ocean eyed babe with one of the best body’s ever. Apart of the boy band Why Don’t We.

My favorite Why Don’t We member is Daniel Robert Seavey

by .limelight4life January 11, 2020