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Riptide Syndrome

When one spends a lot of time trying to reach a goal (especially being on a "top 5"etc scoreboard in an MMO), only to be swiftly knocked off the aforesaid scoreboard.

This comes from the XV104 Riptide, which was , wen it was releases, the largest model in the warhammer 40k universe, only to be deprived of this glory less than a month later by a newer model.

bob:Phew... finally, I got onto the top 10 richest players list on this MMO
steve: really? show me.
bob: argh wtf some twat has overtaken me!
steve:Riptide Syndrome lol.

by Nimja June 28, 2013

Clout Syndrome

Faking a mental illness to gain clout or acting like you have one only for the camera.

Clout Syndrome is especially prevalent in younger adults and teenagers

by Ben Sharpedo September 9, 2023

Maxis Syndrome

Maxis Syndrome măk-sis sin-drohm (noun):

A wildly entertaining condition that plagues daring investors who display an uncanny ability to unearth obscure and potentially unrelated clues about an NFT project, leading them to craft intricate conspiracy theories. These individuals, known for their unrivalled flair and panache, are often seen "winging" their way to the moon (WGMI) with style, regardless of whether their theories hold water or evaporate into thin air. Synonymous with audacious investing and a knack for connecting the most tenuous of dots, Maxis Syndrome has become a badge of honour for the most daring NFT aficionados.

Known for their daring investments and a knack for connecting dots that may or may not exist, Maxis Syndrome has become a tongue-in-cheek salute to those who ride the NFT wave with a fearless grin.

Did you hear about Jake's latest NFT theory? He's definitely got a case of Maxis Syndrome, but I can't help but admire his style!

by ENSquatters April 8, 2023

Smith Syndrome

Lack of attempting new tricks on a skateboard. Very common in new skaters, and skaters after an injury.

He hasn't landed a kickflip yet, maybe he has SMITH SYNDROME.

by berrace April 23, 2010

Nault syndrome

An unexplained condition that causes you to become obsessed with artwork making you unable to stop spending all your money on paintings

" I was over at daryls last night and he's got like 300 fucking paintings in his living room .., the dudes got s pretty serious case of nault syndrome "

by Super jo jo and friends June 30, 2016

dulla syndrome

Dulla syndrome isn’t a psychological diagnosis. Instead, it is a way of understanding the emotional response some people have towards a group recreational activity. Many people who have experienced episodes of dulla syndrome report the feelings of anxiety and paranoia prior to attending a group activity where one Abdullah Jamaluddin is not present

Person 1: Yo lets do this thjing
Person 2:is abdullah gonna be there?
Person 1: Im not sure
Person 2:Tell abdullah to say it and Ill come
Person1: This motherfucker suffering from that dulla syndrome

by ur fucking dad December 1, 2021

Ferrari Syndrome

The critiquing of an unattainable object.

An inability to see the irony in picking apart something you'll never acquire/achieve as your own, while simultaneously defending something of more questionable value that you currently have.

Ferrari Syndrome can apply to objects and relationships.

"Matt says he'd never date that bikini model because her eyes are too close together, but have you seen the girls he takes home!?"

"Yeah, definite case of Ferrari Syndrome"

by universeguyd August 3, 2014