Source Code

Gay Spectrum

Just like the Electromagnetic Spectrum (go to Wikipedia you mediocre dunces), the Gay Spectrum lists various wavelengths of Gayness - according to the longest-lasting wavelength of Gayness and the highest frequency of Gayness i.e. strongest.

Randomer 1: Where would you place him on the Gay Spectrum?
Randomer 2: Oh no! The Gay-mma rays burn!!!

by FunkyDAWG February 27, 2012

23๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Gay Bacon

A sweat, sour, and colorful rainbow strip of candy made by Airheads (or similar brand) that resembles a bacon strip.

Yes, I would like some Gummi bears, some purple Swedish fish, and a package of gay bacon.

by Scootsie Double Day May 19, 2011

164๐Ÿ‘ 29๐Ÿ‘Ž


Extra sensory perception that allows one to immediatey know who is a homosexual.
Origin: The combination of the words "gay" and "radar".

Harry set off my gay-dar.

by Allora December 2, 2003

102๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž

The Gay Tony

Gay Tony is the main character in Grand Theft Auto: The Ballad of Gay Tony, which is where the name comes from. He is also an adrenaline junkie. Doing the "Gay Tony" means to do something like jumping from a high place, but making it look as badass as possiable (eg, spinning while falling etc) People also tend to sing Gay Tony's song while doing this.

The Gay Tony started to become noticed when the Youtube user UberHaxorNova Gay Tonyed twice while playing Minecraft.

John: Hey I'm gonna do The Gay Tony into that pool
Sam: Go for it!

Chris: Paul is going to Gay Tony off that bridge!
Liam: I'm watching!

by SophieThePirate August 24, 2011

97๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž

gay card

The mythical figurative membership credential carried by gay men to commemorate the innate knowledge, ability, or sensibility with regard to any subject matter traditionally and generally considered to be the purview of gay men, such as show tunes, color coordination, fashion, hairstyling, interior decoration, or knowing whether any particular man in the vicinity is gay without requiring him to present his gay card.

I haven't seen Rent yet and I can't make quiche, so take away my gay card.

by Trashboysj June 13, 2006

1124๐Ÿ‘ 247๐Ÿ‘Ž

Gay Daddy

A gay man who is usually middle-aged (40-60+), who has a more dominant personality and doesn't mind providing monetary funds and/or protection and guidance to his mate/boyfriend. The term mostly implies that the man has a penchant for younger males, often in their late teens or in their twenties, but his mate doesn't have to be that much younger than him necessarily for the term to apply. The term also implies a dominant/submissive relationship where the older male is dominant and the younger male is submissive. The term is not to be confused with "sugar daddy," which implies a young mate being showered and lavished with gifts and money in exchange for a sexual, and possibly, romantic relationship; a gay daddy and his mate are most often romantically involved, and the main motivation for the younger male in the relationship isn't money or material items, but because he prefers older men due to their maturity or their attractiveness. However, a gay daddy often does provide money or material objects to the younger male due to having more means due to his age and experience and his role in the relationship.

Colin Firth's character in A Single Man could be considered an example of a "gay daddy."

by starsinthesunlight May 2, 2014

179๐Ÿ‘ 33๐Ÿ‘Ž


(African-American Vernacular English) When a piece of literature, artwork, music, and any other form of entertainment is excessively colorful, upbeat, and/or fantastical to the point of disgust. Can also be defined as someone who is excessively affectionate, optimistic, and/or empathetic.

Origin: (gay-- happy, joyous, ecstatic)

Riley Freeman: "Nigga, you gay!" (referring to an open display of affection between his two friends Gin Rummy and Ed Wuncler III)

--The Boondocks, created by Aaron McGruder

by Thinpossible August 7, 2010

8๐Ÿ‘ 107๐Ÿ‘Ž