Source Code

Punching babies

A code word used to describe going out drinking and partying. Said in jest, because of how goody-goody's view said persons drinking alcohol - as if it is so terrible they must be "punching babies".

"Punching babies is so fun! Can you hand me another beer?"

"Man, I really want to punch some babies tonight! Where's the party at?"

by Kaaaaaren December 13, 2008

24๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

baby nuts

A light-hearted insult about someone slightly younger than you. I always call my little brother this, I am 26 he is 22. Originally I got this from a movie then started using it all the time especially with my little brothers and their friends or even my friends. Basically it is like saying that someone is immature.

What's up baby nuts.
I've been doing this a lot longer than you, baby nuts.
Whatever babynuts.

by Josh Houser July 31, 2006

45๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž

anal babies

after anal sex with a woman semen leaks out of the anus and down to the vagina, the woman then uses the juices as a lube and masturabtes with it thus ending with her getting pregnant

Jerry you kids are all anal babies.

by Friley July 31, 2006

112๐Ÿ‘ 52๐Ÿ‘Ž

Beer Baby

The unfinished beers found the morning after a party, usually containing anywhere from two full sips of beer to a nearly full beer can. Beer babies usually result from beers turning warm because they aren't drunken quick enough, or one sets their beer down and is unable to find it when they go to pick it back up.

Due to the high cost of beer, beer babies are highly frowned upon.

Nick: Dude, I was so drunk last night. I literally had 27 beers. I'm such a tank.
Kevin: Yeah, okay. That's plausible. I bet 23 of those beers were beer babies. We all know you start yackin' after 7 beers. Pussy.

Nick: I guess, I am prone to laying down a beer baby here and there

by 7Raulphie June 22, 2011

59๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž

Baby Daddy

A man who only shows up when he's horny, is nowhere to be found on payday and swears he's a muslim when Christmas comes around.

"My baby daddy didn't get our baby no Easter outfit, cuz he said he's Jewish now and can't go against his religion to celebrate Easter"

by Me Myself and I July 29, 2003

632๐Ÿ‘ 343๐Ÿ‘Ž

whore baby

the offspring of an unsavory woman

I fucked that Filipino prostitute without a condom on and now nine months later, I have a whore baby.

by Gunson Roses July 18, 2008

82๐Ÿ‘ 37๐Ÿ‘Ž

baby hog

A person who monopolizes someone else's infant, usually a mother-in-law or grandmother who believes the parent or parents undeserving of the child.

"God, what a baby hog," said Gretchen, "She's all over that kid like a hound with a ham bone."

by harry flashman October 11, 2003

26๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž