Source Code

code one

saying that you're horny in code

pssst mj that guy made me code one

by @ngieee May 4, 2010

Evolution of man kind in girl code

Lowest form --> highest form
1. XY Chromosome -not even a male yet
2. Fetus -still developing male

3. Infant -basically a baby male

4. Child -mind of a child, nearly there

5. Boy -not a man, but pwede na
6. Man -Highest form of male

Friend 1"Hey there's this guy I'm talking to."

Friend 2"oh! What level of evolution of man kind in girl code?"

Friend 1"He's an XY Chromosome..."

Friend 2"oh... you better drop him"

by DancingDaffodilf May 2, 2024

Code orange

A code meant to alert a significant other of a potentially embarrassing run in with a past sexual partner. This is to be able to tell them in front of children or other family or co workers etc. without having to explain in an awkward Situation.

(At your child’s 4th grade open house in a new school)
Him “oh god, code orange by the pencil sharpener

Her “ in the dress? Or the boob shirt?”
Him “ boob shirt “
Her “oh, buddy, good job”

by Cor Riversprite November 1, 2019

Lana Del Rey Coded

An object/person/place that gives of the energy or aesthetics of singer Lana Del Rey.

Girl you legit so Lana Del Rey coded, period!

by girlexplainingxoxo August 12, 2024

2👍 1👎

sARGHrce code!

source code: human-readable instructions in a programming language, to be transformed into machine instructions by a compiler, assembler or other translator, or to be carried out directly by an interpreter.

argh: what a pirate says to express annoyance, dismay, embarrassment or frustration.

sARGHrce code!: what a pirate says to express annoyance, dismay, embarrassment or frustration source code.

"sARGHrce code!" - says a pirate

by Pseudonymthewild@gmail.com February 26, 2013

Bro Code #999

Anyone who watches minecraft porn, and anyone who witnesses it, shall cleanse their eyes with the Holiest of water.

Joshua: "Bret, what the fuck are you doing watching minecraft porn?"
Bret: "I have no fucking clue what you're talking about"
Joshua: "You've broken Bro Code #999, now I shall cleanse my eyes with holy water."

by TheGameFreak326 June 18, 2019

Code of the Sam's

Sam's always help each other it's what they do.

Hey could you help me move this couch?

Why would I do that?

The Code of the Sam's! We're both named Sam! It's what we do!

by /H July 31, 2021