Someone that makes sure there friends get there’s before he gets his
I love hangin out with you because your a Bug-z type of friend..
An acronym? Or abbreviation? Letters, words, a sentence?
"D'ya try, um, U-y X-z? New generation social network.
Connection innovative focused on community! =)"
You are why I exist -U R Y I X S Z
better than y and z means the W is all you or anyone should and or will rightfully ever need here, now, or in the immediate or near future.
Man, I tried them all a-z , and now I'm setting a broken laptop straight, W is by far way better than y and z.
Ruský hacker z Asie
Means a Russian hacker from Asia (in the czech language)
Kurva Ruský hacker z Asie hacked my computer
Bro CANNOT parallel park and he can't do honors precalc problems for the life of him.
Yo Rudy Z. was a BRICK in math today and he hit my car trying to park.
The version of Goku in the Saiyan, Namek, Frieza, Android, Cell and Buu sagas. Considered better in character than Goku from Dragon Ball Super.
A: Yo dude I think they dumbed down Goku, he was way smarter in DBZ.
B: Agreed, Z Goku was more awesome as well.
- A phrase used in the Polish language when an individual faces a particular situation that causes them to give up all sense of hope because they realize that no matter what they do, they will not win.
- The direct Polish to English translation is “With Dicks, you’ll never win,” however, the less offensive and more proper translation is “No one ever wins when they’re dealing with SOBs.”
- Slightly similar to the English phrases “being between a rock and a hard place” and “being a small pawn in a large game,” as well as, a minuscule connection to the phrase “shit flows downstream.”
SON: What happened dad, you look very depressed?
FATHER: I got a BS speeding ticket for going 38 MPH on a 35 MPH road.
SON: You should go to court and fight that. It’s impossible not to go slightly over the speed limit while driving.
FATHER: There is no use son, “Z hujami, nie wygraz!”