(Of a pun) being cringe or causing groans from the audience.
Name stems from a bilingual pun on “pain” being French for bread, therefore calling a pun “breadful” means calling it painful.
Alternate meaning:
(Of person(s) or a situation): being very pun-filled
“That pun was Breadful”
When you are chilling with some bubbly in a sauna with the lads, and some cunt pours a bottle of Prosecco on the hot rocks.
"Alex, come into the bread sauna, it's yeasty in here"
Translation of the Romanian expression: "A-i da (cuiva) pită"
Signifies the act of owning/dominating someone, usually in a violent engagement.
Rarely used as a first person statement ; it is usually said as a warning by someone's buddy when their friend is about to engage in a confrontation they are likely to lose.
An alterante form is "To get bread"
To give bread example:
John: I'm gonna try to kill the Ender dragon with my stone sword.
David: Don't! He'll give you bread!
John: If you think I'll get bread you're in for a surprise.
*John gets killed
The money a man makes to compensate for his less than average penis size.
"Did you hear? John got that tech job he wanted"
"ppft why would I care? We all know its Shrimp Bread"
Yuri is slicing bread again.
Damn. I hope she can get the help she needs.