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a word exclaiming when you throw something

“yeet this bitch empty

by yuhhhh😎 February 3, 2021


The most glorious of swag

Jeff is so yeet

by Ya boi jiffjiff214 November 25, 2017


Slang for athlete's foot: Yeast + feet = yeet.

Damn, put your shoes back on, that yeet is disgusting!

by Drowning in Goo July 1, 2020


To violently throw.

i really YEETED that dog

by ThatUrbanWang January 19, 2021


the act of yeeting or yotting.

im bouta yeet outta here. YEEEEET

by macktheloser September 30, 2018


The action of throwing a object very quickly at any direction, there is also fleet the action of throwing an object directly in front of you.

Tyson wanted to Yeet his empty can at his friends head, Hylson though, was educated in the art of Yeeting and he knew that a Fleet would be more appropriate for this action.

by Glitch11037 October 12, 2020


You can use ist to say

I Yeeted my Baby into the trashcan

by MikaDerAldeYeeterOnTheSkater July 20, 2019