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call back war

when you call someone and they dont answer then they call u and u accidently dont answer then you call them but there on the other line calling u and so on.

OMFG im in a call back war with my girlfriend and she thinks im ignoring her.

by Ross720 October 12, 2009

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bro booty call

When, in a drunken stupor, one sends a text to his "bros" requesting online gaming support during generally accepted booty call hours. A variation of the booty call.

Josh (2:23 AM): Bro gett on xbox live NOW i just finished my natty lite n i wanna play LOL
Jacob (2:26 AM): Thanks for the bro booty call, i'll be on soon

by IAmTheBean June 21, 2012

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Vehicular Cat Call

(vee-hik-yuh-ler, kat, kawl) The act of honking the horn in a vehicle to persons on the street to express approval or disapproval. Also may be accompanied by loud raucous shouts.

Saturday nights downtown the streets are filled with guys draggin' the line casting vehicular cat calls to the women waiting in lines to get into the bars.

by Stellababe August 31, 2011

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Call me Ishmael

Iconic opening line of Herman Melville's book "Moby Dick".
Also a clever phrase used to signal the sighting of fat chick insinuating she is as big as a whale. (i.e. Moby Dick; the white whale)

John: Woah dude, look at that fat chick over there

Jack: Call me Ishmael!

by Captain-Ahab December 23, 2012

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phone call hangover

The surreal feeling present the morning after an unexpected phone call with an ex that lasts for 2 hours+, accompanied by but not limited to: exhaustion, disorientation, waking up unsure if it had happened at all, and cramping of the "blushing muscles."

After a 2 1/2 hour phone call with her ex that caught her completely off-guard, Leslie woke up with a massive "phone call hangover."

by Blair Bush July 3, 2006

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Call in a bomb threat

Placing a phone call that evacuates a friend from an uncomfortable or inconvenient situation, effectively offering an excuse to leave.

When I was stuck watching Disney’s Mulan with my youth group, I texted my friend Trachelle and had her call in a bomb threat for me. I’m pretty sure everyone knew my phone call wasn’t really important, but my disdain for Disney movies outweighed any social guilt.

by stice55 November 10, 2010

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three way call

To phone someone up whilst getting it on with their girl/boy friend.

Am I in a three way call?

by Rob12344 August 18, 2007

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