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douche bag

A Pi Kappa Phi fraternity guy. Commonly called and interchangeable with Pi Kap.

So at the party last night a Pi Kap put ruffies in that girl's drink. What a douche bag.

by AOII May 3, 2010

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Some one who act similar to or exactly like a douche.

carren was very douche-like last night with all her camping equipment.

by Mitch k. October 12, 2007

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One who is so totally a douchebag, that they can do nothing but act / perform every task as a douchebag; they have progressed far beyond the occasional douche lapse, and have descended into excessive, abusive douche levels; similar to an alcoholic who can not stop drinking and is dependent on alcohol, this person can not stop acting/performing as a douchebag. They are a douche-a-holic

A: I hate my boss, he's such a douche
B: Oh yeah? No one is worse than my boss, he's a douche-a-holic!

someone obviously cuts you off, turning in front of you when you have the right of way -

"You Douche!"!

then the culprit proceeds to flip you the bird in the rearview mirror-

by glurb June 5, 2009

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douche rag

a piece of absorbent material upon which a guy ejaculates and keeps around to avoid using too many tissues.

you: "why is this shirt wet?"
me: "why are you wearing my douche rag?"

by pericles February 27, 2004

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douche pastry

A delicious treat eaten only by the rich upper-class of 3rd World countries. A douche pastry is made from the remains of a virgin's first vaginal cleansing and is usually eaten with peanut butter and marinara sauce. Considered a delicacy by Hobos and crack whores.

The King of Kazkhstan delights in his morning douche pastry before beheading a rebel midget.

by Sir Anus splatter September 11, 2006

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N. A hash-tag in a facebook message, status, comment, etc.
Verb form: Douche-taggin' it up

Hash-tagging was meant for twitter and twitter only.

Attention seeking girl's status:

"This week sucked. #Backstabbers #Doesanyonelikeme #Pleaselikethisstatus #Truthis"

Smart person's comment:
"Way to douche-tag"

by TimDuffy94 January 13, 2012

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Douche Bag

Somone who:
- Switch's teams to the winning one and say they were with them the whole time
-Doesn't ever brush their teeth
-Thinks they are the coolest person even though they have a chode, smell like piss and no one likes him/her
-Wheres a hat to the side
-Lies about everything
-Is a Ginger
-And their piss and farts smell like axe

Hey do you know that douche bag (and/or ginger)?

Why yes i do parker, its Will Plotnick, the kid who thinks he's amazing and eats and breaths axe to cover up his natural piss B.O.

Oh wow, i feel bad for him does he have any friends?

Nope, just oreos and the kid with a bigger forhead than space montain

by Gilf Lover_4000 July 6, 2009

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