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Beautiful inside and out, Also so fun and so forgiving. She loves the outside and the animals with in it. Emma will be there by your side no matter how much it does not matter. If you have an Emma DO NOT LET HER GO. She can be wild inna good way and finds a way to get along with your other friends.

Friend: I am so sad I need to call Emma
Emma:Hey what's up?

Friend :My mom said that I am a jerk and she never wanted to have me.
Emma: She is mad at somebody else and let it out on you it's all okay.
Friend:Thanks Emma.
Emma:No problem.

by Pumptatious April 11, 2021


If you have an Emma in your life keep her forever! She seems like the brightest sun on the outside but can is really hard on herself when she’s alone. Emma is really funny and excels in everything she puts her mind to. And she rarely falls in love ever but when she does she makes it her reason to live.

Girl 1: Omg did you hear what Emma did last night???

Girl 2: Nooo what did she do?

Girl 3: she asked out her crush and he said yes!!

by Hi I’m here May 29, 2020


A complete bitch. One of the most stubborn persons you'll ever meet, but overall a good person and friend.

that dude is such an emma.

by thatgiraffe23 May 23, 2022



My Snapchat is emmalou484

by Lololoupops July 29, 2021


Emma is a friend for life. While she maybe shy and quite awkward when you first meet, you will quickly discover her crazy, fun, wild personality.
She is beautiful inside and out but she doesn’t see it herself. She will always compliment others and will be one of your biggest hype girls. She is someone who will take your secrets to the grave and you can talk to her about anything. She is an amazing listener and won’t judge you.
Emma is the kind of girl to put a brave face on when she’s struggling and most likely vents in a secret tiktok account, art, music or to you (if you’re lucky enough to be one of her closest friends), however, she rarely opens up about how she’s feeling.
She will be your favourite person to bun up with, she is very prone to the munchies and high or not, she will give you the most giggliest of giggles. Emma is not very good at confrontation or standing up for herself and sadly some people take advantage of this and walk all over her.
If you are fortunate enough to date an Emma then feel blessed, this girl will give you her heart so don’t you dare break it. She is not the type of person to find someone who will ‘do’, so be grateful she picked you, that means she seriously likes you.
She shows plenty of gratitude, even to the smallest of kind actions and is very polite, having said this, she does know how to have a fabulous bitch talk.
Emma has a caring, beautiful, hilarious, creative, open minded and wonderful soul. She’s great because she’s an Emma.

Friend 1: That girl Emma holds a place in my dream smoke circle.
Friend 2: Fr, that bitch is so funny.

by minaj222 November 10, 2024



Emma is a trick

by Treatment April 20, 2022


The bitchyiest bitch ever to live. Manipulative and just no fun to be around.

I remember what that girls name who used to bother me was, Emma, ugh I’m glad I forgot her

by IhateEmma May 15, 2020