A nipple on a male or female which is extremely broad and has the same circumference as a size 3 soccer ball.
Dude my girls got the feather family fipples, I touched them and it was like touching a watermelon.
When you’re an eligible bachelor and good with kids. Very desirable to single mom’s. Not to be mistaken for “Plug and Play”.
She saw a future with him. All her problems solved. Standard, Instant family just add Tony.
An Australian family (not divorced). Normally with two or more children. The entire family goes for the same team. All the children do football training on Saturday morning (Auskick). The family poses a seeming endless supply of pointless team paraphernalia of which they will wear every moment they get. At school, all the children do is talk and play football during break time. They will also normally yell terms related to football during class time as random. Levels of intelligence across the family gene pool are questionable. Generally, all of the storage on the Foxtel box is used by recorded football games and various football related shows. Whenever there is a game, the entire family will crowd around the TV and yell at it. However on occasion they will attend an actual AFL match while wearing various layers of their team's merchandise.
That goddamn footy family, I can hear them screaming at the tv from next door!
I want to do everything to you and your family
“Hello, I would like to have sex. Is there anything I can do for you or your family?”
Gullah Geechee Family is a criminal street gang based in Fayetteville, NC founded by West African Descendants
The GGF Or Gullah Geechee Family Play With That Woo
The Gullah Geechee Family Also Known As Gulla Geeche Fanmi Or LIB Are An African American Gang Located In North Carolina
Gullah Geechee Family
Gullah Geechee Family Known As “Dem Creole Ridas”Or GGF Is A Organized Crime Family Founded By Willie Frank Burks And Queen Lulu Gullah Geechee Family Can Be Founded In Areas Fayetteville Nc,South Carolina,Georgia And Florida Gullah Geechee Family Speak
broken English And Listen To Reggae Music
Dem gullah geechee family is dangerous crime family