When you’re too ugly for your friends to say you look good, so they say you’re “swag” to lift your spirits
Owen: “Damn I’m ugly as hell”
Aspen: “Oh, don’t worry man you swaggy as hell”
Damian: “Damn, you just got swag zoned”
Aspen tells Owen that he is swaggy in order to make him feel better, while Damian points out that he has indeed been swag zoned
Basically, slang for being high, na’mean?
“95-I, I drive, high zoning...” - Nas
the area between your balls and your ass crack
Dude I just shaved my pass zone
A whore or a female that can’t get pregnant anymore.
Jasons mom Gale is a rubber free zone. No rubbers needed in her bedroom.
'Zone' of intense satisfaction and inner peace, when you notice that you're exactly where you suppose to be mentaly and geographically.
People can usually tell by your look that you've entered the Vibe zone as you gaze in their eyes with the most benevolent smile.
B : Feeling good bruv ?
L : Hell yeah
B: You in the Vibe zone, lit
Similar to the friend zone, but worse. Men who enter this zone are left feeling utterly disappointed with their capability as a man.
Oh no, looks like Chris got randiongered.
Wow, Dylan in the randionger zone with Giannis. He should've seen it coming.
Its even worse than being in the friendzone
Dude 1: hey bro did she friend zone u?
Dude 2: no even worse i got jan-zone