Person 343: Female To Male (Iowa); The First Juvenile Release: The First Juvenile Release.
"Gagma dick, lmao"
However, this phrasing refers to a male who can gag on their own dick. A Gagma Male is a Sigma of their own variety, being inside both Volcel and incel territory. They don't get bitches, which leads to discovering autofelatio. Or they can get bitches however they just want the mouth, nothing else, this then can lead to the Volcel chad slobbing on his own knob.
Chad 1 > "Yo dude, I found out I can suck my own dick"
Chad 2 > "lmao Gagma Male"
Chad 1 > "facts brooo, who needs these hoes anyways 😂"
a disorder in male babies that makes the baby refuse to latch on to their mother’s breasts. This is common in premature babies who were in the NICU after they are born. See, gay men hate breasts, while straight men like them. So if a male baby doesn’t suck on their mom’s breasts, they are gay.
I diagnose your baby with male infantile homosexuality
well shit
Sometimes a golf sometimes a deeltje
Who is that over there?
That is Tjerk, an omega male
1👍 1👎
"I couldn't give less of a shit what this means.*
Alpha male without wanting the affirmation "alpha" males need
Are you an omega male?
I couldn't give a single shit what I am.
1👍 1👎
It describes a man who is often found arguing about the benefits of a design software called Figma. They derive most of their pleasure from not using other software and speaking ill about them on Linkedin. Their common phrases include, "Figma supremacy," "Is it responsive?", "I would make a component of that," etc. Unlike an Adobe fan, who is typically capable of using multiple software programs, the Figma male is ignorant of his lack of capability and instead uses it as a moral high ground to increase his self-esteem. These Figma males are usually seen with silver MacBooks, sitting in cafes, and making presentations for B2B SAAS companies. They are also big proponents of ChatGPT, and consider it their church as it helps form most of their opinions. One must avoid Figma males at all costs, specifically during the monsoons when they become especially loud after their yearly fan meet called Config.
You know Rahul right, the figma male from Toronto.
My new colleague is a figma male, he is so annoying.
Cannot wait to drop this figma male....
uhhhh a UX designer... you're not a figma male right?