You know damn well what a shark is. You searched urban dictionary on urban dictionary because you're bored.
"Shark" is not a god damn sex act. "Sucking a dick." Is a sex act, go get out there and do some sex acts instead of looking at urban dictionary.
This was made by a human that works at the aquarium and loves to learn about sharks. Which means it is true :)
Sharks are amazing creatures that have gills, cartilage, and a sixth sense. People have misunderstood sharks ever since it ate a human. The sharks will mistake you with a seal or other small sharks.
When you look at sharks at a different angle your life will change.
A shark is usually a shorter, highly attractive Hispanic male who has somewhat of a dad bod (large arms, chest, etc.) and yet has muscle.
“Omg David is such a shark I bet he could pick me up”
epic fish with a cartilagnous skeleton, or in other words- sharks are squishy bois. I like sharks. Sharks are very misunderstood. If you see a shark in the water, stay still. Also help sharks. Sharks are not to be confused with "sgarks" which are magical sharks with lungs and legs
Sara: That shark is SOOOOO cute!
Bill: Sara that is the correctest thing you ever said, that is one cute shark.
An aquatic sea creature who is often known as an ocean predator. It's diet mainly consists of fish, and they can be really scary to swimmers. If not provoked however, they will not hurt you. Just stay away from them if you see one.
You came here to see the sexual definition though, didn't you. If you want to find that, search up land shark instead.
Tabitha swam away from the shark lurking in the coral.
Jokingly offensive malarkey. You will sound very cool when you say this word instead of its predecessor.
"Why you smell like shark bruh" "frankly my dear, I don't give a shark." "Come back here, you piece of shark!"