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Stone Face

A facial expression that is used in conjunction with complete silence to express discontent or disappointment with a person or a statement made. Often a pointing motion directed toward the face with the index finger is used.

I tried to tell Michael my new joke, but he gave me a Stone Face!

by Dough Snatcher February 24, 2009

97πŸ‘ 46πŸ‘Ž

fuck faces

the faces that you make when she is wearin yo ass out ...the faces she make whe you are layin pipe to dat ass

"Man I was hittin that ass ,it was so good we started exchangin Fuck Faces ....
also ...rap song by Houston Rapper Scarface

by Big Dread September 20, 2006

79πŸ‘ 36πŸ‘Ž

horse face

to have a face so long and narrow, that it reseambles that of a horse.

Wow, that couple will go great together considering that they both have horse face's.

by ApR!L like the month only better March 24, 2003

111πŸ‘ 52πŸ‘Ž

face diaper

A piece of cloth covering the nose and mouth worn by people to protect themselves and others from the unproven to exist, and even if it was real, 99% harmless Covid-19 virus (formerly known as the common cold).

The mask they wear serves the purpose of a face diaper and nothing else. It virtue signals and keeps one from being harassed, possibly but it does not protect anyone from Covid-19, etc.. Technically, one can’t talk shit & be heard when their voice is muffled. Because science.

by Squirrel Rito January 4, 2021

131πŸ‘ 61πŸ‘Ž

dutch face

n: a striaght, expressionless, dead-pan face, combined with direct eye contact. A dutch face is directed by one individual to another in response to insult, ridicule, teasing or a failed attempt at humour. It is designed to demonstrate to the receiver, and others present, the profound lack of interest,enthusiasm or concern and implies utter indifference or mild contempt for their comments. dutch facing - v: the act of adopting a dutch face.

Joshua left the kitchen and joined his friend in the lounge. "your mum's got well saggy bangers" he remarked.
Timothy, said nothing, simply turning to look at his friend and pulling a scathing dutch face of grossly dead-pan proportions.
"you can fuck off with that dutch face you, you... you douche-bag." Said Joshua, his lower lip beginning to tremble at the sheer potency of Timothy's stare.

by Bert Mandrake February 16, 2009

17πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

dick faced

The result of a party foul, i.e. passing out with your shoes on. Dick facing is the writing or drawing mainly on somebodies face, but also applies to the rest of their body, with a permanent marker, including but not limitied to, a large penis drawn strategically next to the mouth or pointint towards the ass, writing "I love penis(semen, cum, dick etc...)"

"Dude the new kid passed out in the closet so we all dick faced him...too bad he has a job interview in about an hour:"

by Eskimo November 5, 2007

17πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

poopie face

the name used for someone you have a crush on, if you dont want them to know you like him

person 1: ohh look its poopie face!

person 2: dude hes so hot!

poopie face: hey wassap?

person 2: nothing, poopie face!

person 1: yeah, poopie face!

poopie face: haha whats up with the poopie face thing?

person 1: nothing, poopie face *walks off with person 2*

by emikoooooooooo August 20, 2007

28πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž