The act of leaving a used tampon within the vagina, until the fermented tampon either dissolves or until the tampon fossilizes and hardens inside the pussy, creating a shit smelling fossil that must be pushed out by the woman.
"Bro I was fucking my girlfriend and pulled out and there was pussy shit on my dick. It smelled so bad."
To hotbox a toilet cubicle, then proceed to take a dump (shit). After completing the shit, one inhales the spliff, cigarette etc., places their face in the toilet bowl , blows out and inhales the shit Immidiatley after.
“I swear chad did a shit hotbox last night”
Me: 🎶You better watch out 'cause I'm a shit machine.🎶 (A parody of War Machine by Kiss)
The totallity of, all encompassing, 100% of.
I love the crappin-shit out of you. He beat the crappin-shit out of him. He fucked the crappin-shit out of her.
Slang: vulgar (British, used exclusively by the Jackson clan)
Nothing at all.
Affronted person: What's wrong with you?
Felicity: Jack(son) shit!