School is like hell, school wakes you up in the middle of the night and gives 9 lessons, School also drags you to detention for doing nothing bizarre. School is not only for learning, its also for random people to die.
Guy 1: I love school so much, we made a c-
Guy 2: no.
Guy 1: Why-
Guy 2: WW91IGRlY29kZWQgdGhpcywgaSBrbm93IGl0LCB5b3UgbG92ZSBzY2hvb2wsIGkgY2FuIHNlZSB5b3UsIGkga25vdyB3aGVyZSB5b3UgYXJlLCBzdG9wIGxvdmluZyBzY2hvb2wu
See: Torture
School is a place that kids as young as 3/4 up to 18 or even higher are forced to be at almost every day. You wake up at ridiculously early times to get there, and it’s extremely boring. You have to stay there for 6 to 7 hours straight, every day.
Oh, and school sometimes gives you HOMEWORK to do outside of school.
Person 1: Hey could we hang out on tuesday?
Person 2: No i have school that day. And monday. And wednesday. And thursday. And friday
Person 1: Oh.
a place that kids go to and wake up at 6 in the fucking morning to get ready. This place also represents hell and a prison that you get locked in for 7 whole fucking hours. This place is crapy bullshit that gives you a chance to get bullied depression or anxiety. this is a complete waste of time and childhood. Also if you need to know anything there’s a way less crap place called google ❤️
Jessica: I fucking hate school
Monica: I know right it’s literally hell
Jeff: what’s that prison looking place over there?
Jon: oh that? Yeah that’s school
a living hell that humans go to everyday
Mark: man schools fucking hell
Jon: Omg ikr
a shit hole that makes everyone want to die but expect us to skip down the hallway greeting everyone as we go past.
W:these schools be exhausting to be honest they dont care
D:for real!!
A place/places that ruins kids' mental health and absolutely puts them in pain. in school, students CAN'T relax, use the restroom, eat, drink, or talk without fear of getting in detention. kids cannot express creativity without teachers punishing them. school. kills. artists. everyone has to act similarly. teachers do nothing about bullying. the only thing theyll do is to give them a detention. you get put into a class of annoying and rude ass people. if you 'talk back' to any teacher youll also wind up getting in trouble when your clearly defending yourself. school also forces you to take lessons without you being asked, they just think you want to know it. oh yeah, not to mention that they say to defend and stand up but when you do, they just simply say, '2 wrongs don't make a right'. school makes you take lessons on the same thing for an hour and after 3-7 days a test. oh, i almost forgot about the tests near the end of the school year. they are useless. the school system is so out of date and corrupt. how stupid
an average conversation with a student and teacher:
student: miss, can i use the restroom? i really need to go!
teacher: no, we have a test in a day and we are reviewing.
5 minuets later...
student: ma'am, i peeded myself...
teacher: why didn't you use the restroom?!
student: you didn't let me!
teacher: are you talking back to me?!
student: no of cour-...
teacher: so you are! 1 hour detention!
student: but...
teacher: 2 hours!
student starts to cry
person 1: you see that prison-looking place down the road where kids can't express their creativity no matter what?
person 2: oh yeah! you mean school, right? it's terrible.
person 1: yeah true, but it's the same thing. no difference.