a phrase used as a joke (or not) usually related to sex with the homies.
can also be used when someone drops food on the floor.
damn i just shat on the floor, Are you gonna eat that?
holy cow that's a big beetle, are you gonna eat that?
you smoke way to much my n(jigga)
“n(bigga you a fein”
Ok you must have listened to KSI ft. Ricegum's new song before looking this one up. Fair enough !
So this one was directed at 'Ethan', one of the Sidemen members known as "Behzinga" and it's basically KSI asking Ethan how much wood can a woodchuck, CHUCK, if the woodchuck looked like him, which means if the woodchuck was FAT like Ethan.
So basically he's calling Ethan fat... From the start KSI seems to sum up the whole song !
I have a feeling that the 'Yo Mama' channel would like these fat jokes.
JJ : How much wood can a woodchuck chuck if the woodchuck looked like you ?
Ethan : Idk, if you're calling me fat are we counting the fat in your tits ?
Supa Hot Fire and his crew : OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH
When you’re eating her pussy from behind and she shards on your forehead.
I was eating her pussy from behind and she bindi’s me.
I’m so full I may bindi you tonight.
Boy: can I party with you?
Girl: Hell yeah!
Boy: you know what I mean?
Girl: fuck?
Boy: yeahhhh
I don't know the definition that's why I'm asking you
Stop on by ,"I'"ve got a couple heads here for you"?
A lie. Just be honest and say "I'm not attracted to you" like dayum. The whole "It's not me, it's you" bullshit is so overused and I've heard it all before, so if I get in a relationship with anyone and they say that as to why they broke up with me, don't fucking bother. It's an insult to my intelligence and I know that's not the reason. Have some fucking integrity ffs.
"It's not you, it's me" Is total bull crap.