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tanner high school

a school in tanner alabama that sucks ass

tanner high school sucks ass

by besa mi cola September 12, 2021

Ipswich State High School

Do you like men with curly, ugly mullets who constantly look like theyre high out of their mind on ice? Well this is the school for you. Ipswich state high school, often called ippy, is full of walter white wanna be motherfuckers (not even kidding, i overheard someone talking about wanting to fuck their mother once) who cook meth in the school bathrooms. There are lots of bomb threats which isnt even surprising, as this school sucks more ass than any other school ive been too. Every girl has a stick up their ass and i think some literally did have something shoved up their ass (people wore buttplug tails). Anyday in this school is absolute hell and i think you can expect anything to happen. You could probably walk into the school bathroom and see some random ass girl butt booty naked watching sonic mpreg porn while her friends dance around her doing the macarena.

Ipswich State High School student 1: hey, are you a furry?
Ipswich State High School student 2: y-yes meow :3
Ipswich State High School student 1: kill yourself

by killyourself123456789 March 23, 2023

Brady From School

Brady is derived from the name that stereotypically is a nerdy, geeky person. A fake person used in arguments when you want to make fun of someone. May or may not actually exist.

Person R: You're worse than Brady!
Person JK: Who's Brady?
Person R: Brady from school.
Person JK: What?
Person R: He is really bad at games but he's way better than you.

by WotsitDude69 October 27, 2022

North High School

North high school is full of basic ass npc’s that are pre selected in a catalog before the day starts. Everyone there is either wildly racist or so woke they become racist by definition.

β€œHe goes to north high school. Beat that npc’s ass.”

by FagName7766 September 10, 2021

the bewdley school

The Bewdley school, is aShit school with shit teachers with shit rules and shit uniform and is a complete shit faced left wing dump.

The Bewdley school is a shit hole

by Haroldgoal68 July 16, 2022

Grey High School

One of the gayest schools in South Africa. Located in the city Port Elizabeth. Home to legendary goat Mr VK and Mr G. These two honestly make the school worth going to. If it wasnt for them, it would be complete chaos. Said to be one of the best rugby schools in South Africa but thats bullshit. Atleast they are the real Grey unlike Gay Bloem with their 30% average for academics.

You see that gay guy over their, he went to Grey High School he was most likely in Mr VK's class.

by Pakarat πŸ₯΅ πŸ‘³β€β™‚οΈβœˆπŸ’πŸ’ February 24, 2024

Haldane school

the worst hell hole of all time. Has a principle who likes other girls and old men and is a retard

Oh fuck I have to go to haldane school

by Stooopid head May 2, 2019