A phrase first introduced by a cute little pikabanoonoo stating that if you broke something you now own it
*BF is carefully moving furniture*
*GF does best to distract him*
GF : You break you buy 😈
Said on being introduced to someone
This is my wife, Pleased to meet you
rhetorical question designed to highlight the subject's idiocy, to the point that it's a marvel they are able to even do basic things like dress themselves
person 1: doesn't chocolate milk come from brown cows?
person 2: how do you dress yourself in the morning?
A phrase said when two people are in an altercation and one of the two moves uncomfortably close to the other, and causes the other to shout, "Why you in my phisical?".
Douche: You hittin' on my girl, bro!?
Nerd: Dude, why you getting so close? Why you in my phisical? Get outta my phisical! I said get the fuck out of my shisical, motherfucker!!!
*Karate kicks douche in face, breaking jaw*
Famous words uttered by John Jones
John Jones: Wait. Wait wait wait. Can you hear me?
Describes the action of a very happy person.
Also part of a song.
If you're happy and you know it clap your hands
*clap* *clap*