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Wine bitch

A punk bitch that hates women because wants to be treated like a LADY. He claims to be straight, but is totally uncomfortable with his sexuality. He wants the dick so bad that he fantasizes about his girlfriends getting gang raped. He is a miserable hag that doesn't help pay bills and would rather live with his dad than have responsibilities, or shacks up with the next dumb bitch he finds.

That dude Mike is a scrub, a straight up wine bitch.

by vrcoon January 22, 2023

pen bitch

The new age version of an entertaining pen pal. When a male only communicates with a female via texts, DMs, snaps, etc… with no intention to hang out with her IRL (in real life). Similar to when a dude is locked up in prison and writes to all of his pen bitches on the outside.

Chick: Who is Chuck laughingly texting over there?

Dude: You mean his pen bitch? Dude, they’ve been going strong for years meow.

Chick: What’s a pen bitch?

Dude: Pretty much a chick that you message for frivolous entertainment and don’t have to be bogged down by the demands of a relationship. All the texting, sexting, and laughs without the boring real life commitments. They’re the best!

by B. Tibbs January 24, 2025

crazy bitch


astrxl_ is that crazy bitch

by astrxl_ May 19, 2020

crazy bitch


astrxl_ is THAT crazy bitch

by astrxl_ May 19, 2020

Crazy bitch

A Sagittarius

jesus - Yo my girl been acting like a crazy bitch lately .

Homie - What is her sign

Jesus - she a Sagittarius dawg
Homie - aw damn

by Jesusdadon July 27, 2021

retarded bitch

The most commonly used word(s) that the secret squad uses b/c of how retarded all of the group members usually are

Bella:wtf you retarded bitch y are u climbing the telephone poll

by blindpersonhrs September 23, 2019

Pompous bitch

Do mine Who is otherwise irritating but you still associate yourself with them.

Get over here you pompous bitch! I need to tell you something

by Pompousbitch February 20, 2018