"champagne shit"
-a style of shit.
It’s the shit when you sit and there's a cork of shit and you just have to push threw it in order to pop and after it pops all the shit comes out watery.
I just took the most amazing champagne shit, it’s a celebration.
The one time of the year where you finally expunge your bowels
Finally took my birthday shit
Bigger hoes than the women they force into hoedom and devalue. There are those who take pride in their lesser stations and title as queen hoes with notoriety who join in the mockery of those deemed "lesser than" in this warped mentality cycle.
See those guys grabbing their dicks and spitting towards that girl? They must be Men on Da Shit.
The way jewish people say hello
Person 1: Auf Shits!
Person 2: Auf Shits, you too!
When you say something is shit, but you really wanna emphasize it.
Kevin: Dude, did you see how badly the Washington Wizards lost against the Thunder last night?
Daniel: Yeah, that team is literal shit from a butt.