A book is a thing either you will hate or love. beware.
I have to read a whole book by tomorrow! I HATE BOOKS!!!!
A pain in the ass that literally nobody likes
teacher: read a book
student: YOU MONSTER!
a really long text/facebook chat/email, etc.
So were you texting her last night?
Yeah, I was at first but she sent me a book about her problems, and I was too lazy to read it. So I just stopped talking to her.
Is not blonde but sexy asf. Has hella cake and really smart. Doesn't really care unless its his hair. Will touch ur dick, watch out. I love you.
An ancient weapon from the distant past, capable of harnessing the power of one hundred infinity gauntlets and three and a half five-star orgies.
Thanos spent his whole life finding the infinity stones and jacking off using a his old scaly hands, but never thought about using a boooooooooooooooooook (book).
something humanity used before computers came along
fucking John doesn't like reading books