Another creator of friendship, almost as powerful as the granola bar.
C2: since you don't have a granola bar, the only way we can be friends is if you have some fruit snacks.
Person 1: I already ate my fruit snacks
Used to partially restore friendship with a C2. Although not as strong as granola bars (usually doesn't allow you to start a friendship), fruit-snacks are still a great thing to have on hand when dealing with C2s.
I forgot to bring a granola bar today, so I had to use my fruit-snacks.
When someone isn’t wired up properly
Check that tin of fruit over there, he is a few sandwiches short of a picnic
When someone just comes out of the closet, but they don’t realize that they’ve actually been gay there entire life
Something you call a gay ginger, not because you hate him, (most likely) but it’s because they have red hair and you know what’s red? Cherry pie/ fruit pies. Cherry pies are pretty fucking good just like ginger kids’ cocks! -Jared from subway.
when u shove a fruit up your ass
Dude! You need to try sudden fruiting!