worst school on Staten Island. All fuckboy whites and slutty girls. The institute saves the school from becoming garbage.
you go to thotenville high school?
wow your so white and your prob gonna be a stripper when your older
Melba high school located in Melba Idaho full of emo bitches, Sluts, and shitty teachers
Friend: so what school do you go to?
Student: Melba high school
Friend: damn dude that sucks!
Home to average football, sexist dress-code, stoners, and alcoholics! The hell on Earth we all tolerate somehow.
Kevin: Hey, what is Manatee High School like?
Gwyneth: It’s hell on Earth, Kev.
A school in AZ that is alright I guess, but kind of sucks. The teachers are pretty cool, but the board has no idea what the students want and it shows as many of the kids are failing.
Man, thank god I didn’t go to Combs High School, that place fucking sucks.
The most popular choice for students whom got rejected from their preferred specialized high schools (stuy, btech, SIT).
You hear good things about this school but it's really mid, as implied by its name: MID-wood. Incomparable to specialized high schools: no freshman AP classes, ghetto neighborhood, multiple 911 emergencies, underwhelming sports teams, lack of extracurriculars and funding, overcrowded...
PS. The bathrooms are dreadfully disgusting, and is a popular spot for sussy bakas trying to get a quick smoke.
1: "Did you get into B-Tech?"
2: "Nope, Midwood High School."
1: "Damn, that's sad. Good luck during your 4 years in the ghetto!"
A high school in Arab Alabama. We have a wide variety of student body personality types: We got the princesses, the racists, the gays, the hicks, and “the boys”. If you don’t want to fit in one of those groups, then too bad. Everything here sucks besides our volleyball, football, theater, and wrestling. If you go here you’re probably depressed, stressed, and/or privileged.
“Yall heard of Arab High School?”
“What the fuck is an arab”
Goffstown high school. Better known as Suicide High. Bitchy white girls and stoners that live in either goffstown or New Boston attend this hell hole. The girls VSCO’s are a place where girls can’t be judged for being a hoe. And that’s the rule. no judging if it’s on VSCO. The boys stand by the gym and and the weird fuckers stand in “The hallway to nowhere.” While the ghetto but also not ghetto at all stoners hang in the bathrooms before the bell rings ripping the fuck out of their juuls and possibly dab pens. One other very valid rule is that the Freshmen must know their place and stay out of the way of everyone and no one can like them. Even if they’re not that bad. but then you have the junior boys who hit the freshmen girls up asking for either nudes, Or are actually interested in them for some reason. Oh there’s the bell. Better take a loop around the 200 wing before I go to class because Its to weird if I come into class at the right time.
Britney: Goffstown high school is such a drag.
Snotty girl: Yo who has my juul?
Britney: hold on a couple more rips before the bell.
Snotty girl: god fucking damn it Britney, hurry up!! I wanna loop around the 200.