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oh my quiche

An exclamation of surprise or annoyance or amusement - can be used interchangeably with any of the exclamations beginning with “oh my”, except better, and pays tribute to a delicious kind of pastry

S: can you beLIEVE what J said to me in class today?? He just keeps interrupting me! He thinks he knows everything!!
A: oh my QUICHE he is so annoyingggg

by palmtree566 September 26, 2020

Oh my guac

A phrase to express excitement, surprise or concern.

Oh my guac did you hear about what happened in June 18th?

by JimmyJohntheSoftballer May 2, 2019

Oh Me Corch!

Another way to say ‘Oh my God!” Usually said in surprise, pleasure, or anger.

Oh me corch! I do not want to give her the P Grizzy.

Oh me corch 😏 (said cheekily)

OH ME CORCH! That bitch just cut me off!

by P-Grizzy-Expert March 9, 2022

oh shit waddup

the appropriate response to dat boi

here comes dat boi!
oh shit waddup!

by ambereyes September 23, 2017

Oh no, you Didn't!

This means that somebody is on the verge of anger, disgust, or surprise. They are questioning if you actually did/said that. A bystander may also say this in response to somebody who never really speaks up, and says a rude comment.

Chloe: Do you like my new outfit?
Abigail: Uh.. no. Not attractive.

Chloe: Oh no, you Didn't!

by Dude- What does dat mean? November 26, 2015

ehl oh ehl

something you say when something is funny (almost the same as lol but funnier)

ur mom: go die
you: ehl oh ehl

by runtbag October 13, 2018

oh fish in the mouth

When you have a fish in your mouth because you’re being publicly shamed for a crime you didn’t commit

Oh fish in the mouth

by Wet.ermine September 27, 2022