After something get's transcribed, it get's modified.
Did you see how that thing changed after it was transcribed? That's post transcriptional modification for ya, baby!
The feeling you get after waking up from a graphicly disturbing nightmare. Which leaves you fearful and wondering what the fuck is wrong with you that your brain created such disturbing things...
I dreamed last night of a man eating a cat, which gave me post-nightmare Fearpression
The mental state of individuals who mined ethereum, spent endless amount of time, energy and capital go to waste because a dumb decision by Vitalik Buterin.
Person A: Why do you have the look of despair ?
Person B: Ethereum mining ended
Person A: oh you have post merge depression
Person B: yea, thats what we get in return for securing the network
A person promoting anti-LGBT messages after nutting to LGBT porn
Ew, a post-nut conservative in shemale thread
The malaise state one experiences after engorging oneself on panda express.
No I cant get off the couch and do that, I am suffering from Post Panda Paralysis
Constant sniffling for a few days after snorting coke.
Person A: *siff sniff*
Person A: *sniff sniff*
Person B: Hey, you sick?
Person A: No, why?
Person B: You probably got post-coke nose then.
The inevitable reduction of effort after a great meeting that ultimately ruins momentum and places the team further behind schedule.
We were making good progress, and that meeting went great. Unfortunately afterwards everyone suffered a bad case of post-meeting collapse, and nothing has been done since then.