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Super straight

Transphobes that want trying to not sound transphobic

Person 1 ( aka transphobe ) hey I’m coming out as super straightβ€”
Person 2 ( aka person with common sense ) no.

by Just me ,was taken March 21, 2021

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Super straight

Transphobes that want to be oppressed

Person 1 : hew what’s your sexuality ?
Person 2: oh , I’m super straightβ€”
Person 1: *bonk*

by Just me ,was taken March 21, 2021

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Super Straight

A little bitch boy got angry when people called him transphobic so he decided to make a whole ass sexuality for transphobic people. their flag is the color of pornhub and they only date people born as the opposite gender. if a man i super straight they would only date cisgender women and trans men.

Troy: Im super straight
Sarah: Lol ok biggot

by A.W400 March 10, 2021

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Super straight

A sexuality used bu secret gay men who are in denial of their attraction towards men.

Bob: Yeah I’m super straight.
Tom: Oh I didn’t know u like men.

by gayperson200 March 7, 2021

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Super Straight

Someone who is transphobic. Usually boys between 11-20 who never touched a women. They made a flag that looks like na*I flag and their colors are β¬›πŸŸ§

That dude is a idiot
Yeah he is super straight

by kravljamuda March 9, 2021

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People who are straight-edge listen to hardcore music and abstain from the use of drugs or alcohol.

People who are straight-edge like to base their whole schtick off of the fact that they are straight edge because for some reason they think it is such and accomplishment to listen to hardcore music and not do drugs at the same, like that is somehow seemingly impossible. They think that they’re so cool for not doing drugs even though most of the world doesn’t do them either.

Straight-edge people are very insecure and so label themselves as straight edge to try to fit in and have a social group to belong to because they are so utterly unlikable.

Look at those straight-edge pussies hardcore dancing over there like bumbling fucking idiots.

by Shed man June 26, 2020

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Bio-straight is a straight person whom are only attracted/intrested in people who are the opposite sex and identify as thay were born.
A man intrested in a bialogical woman.

I am only interested in bialogical women, not trans women I am bio-straight

by TheModernViking May 1, 2021

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