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pm me the word bread

A trend in the Catholic school of Angono or Angono Catholic College (ACC)

To know our secret pm me the word bread my messenger name is Sheen Afable

This trend comes from a 6th grader who spreaded it to two schools

Highway Hills Integraded School (HHIS) and Angono Catholic Collage (ACC)

Pm me the word bread for a special price

by Mr moral December 22, 2024

bread making

Wetting one's adult diaper by partially dropping excrements.

As suggested in a Japanese dictionary: "The underpants are, as pants for care, made of material dissolvable in water, that is thick toilet paper, for example, so the pants are wetted by excrements of a person receiving care to be partially dropped"

I've lost control of my bowels and am therefore now a pro at bread making.

by thebreadmaker November 3, 2013

cancerous bread

The stupidest type of bread

Person 1: bro that bird looks pretty dumb
Person 2: *retard laughing*
Person 1: compared to that bird, your a piece of Cancerous Bread

by deensterbro July 7, 2021

Bread Hound

A man who actively seeks a woman who has a yeast infection to give her oral sex.

I’ve been a bread hound ever since I first got a whif of my ex during her yeast infection.

by Juarezmiguel April 14, 2019

lava bread

It is when you take a hot pocket and nuke it in the microwave.

This lava bread is hotter than when Chernobyl was a thing.

by jjjonesjr33 April 12, 2018

Bread and Puppet

A sociological experiment in theater and social activism fueled in part by total debauchery .

Developed in the 60's and continuing to date in the blink of a Vermont town of Glover, where logs and maple syrup are produced . Used to take over with thousands of live human and puppet heads parading from the centre of Glover town up down to the theater stopping significant traffic of the local working class loggers, farmers, barn builders, etc. This thriving but yet somewhat polarized financial economy is enhanced by sky rocketing sales in booze, food, camping gear, and diapers and perhaps the black market as well. That was then and still tourists as well as interns come to this day. However, the theater delivers a view of the political spectrum as it is to date, as well as kiln made bread with home-grown rye and farm fresh vegetables raised behind the theater barn by local young and old timers and foreigners as well.

A: Hey, what rhymes with Bread and Puppet?
B: Spread and Fuck et

by catrackthisandthat March 20, 2018

Bread beater

A male rubs penis on bread till he cums, then female eats it

Male: You want some bread
Female: yes
Male: what do you want on it

Female: bread beater
Male: squirt

by Bread beater June 3, 2021