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Uncles are the husbands of your aunts. And uncles can either be the living relative of your mother or your father (Mostly likely both). You are the nephew (male relative) or niece (female relative) of your uncle(s). Uncles are like the more distant, complex, cheeky, and over-complicated father-type relatives of your family. Uncles tend to be one of the few respected figures within your family and they are most likely to treat you like their friend- the older you get. Uncles tend to be overweight, balding, older, loud, funny, and obsessed with things like politics, sports TV, current news, ranting over politics, food, and beer. You most likely notice that your uncle is more religious.

You: I have an uncle.

by MsJacques August 15, 2023


UNCLE is an obscene Sudanese-language word, which often refers to the act of tobacco consumption but is also commonly used to denote and hint forthcoming danger. Its origin is obscure but is usually considered to be first attested to around early 2018 in Chang Mai, Thailand. although it may be considerably older. In modern usage, the term UNCLE and its derivatives (such as UNCLE BEN and UNCS) can be used as a noun, a verb, an adjective, an interjection, or an adverb. There are many common phrases that employ the word, as well as compounds that incorporate it, such as UNCLE dokh UNCLE FAINTER and UNCES.

"yo man mashe tagadeha UNCLE"
"Of course bruv"
"jay ma3ak ya rasta"

by wellgoddammit February 5, 2018


The collective term for a group of more than one jetski riding together.

Oho shit here comes another uncle of jetski's acting like morons.

by Mr narwhal October 1, 2022


Someone who seems intellectual but they actually only posses surface level knowledge and no deeper understanding or knowledge on the subject.

He's no smart he's an uncle

Oh look at this uncle with so many hot takes.

by Kaka12346789 April 17, 2021


A middle age black man you will find lurking in clubs, usually wearing a suit or some sort of fresh outfit. They will want to take you for a spin not only in the bedroom but on the dance floor.

Tyler: there are so many uncles in here.
Chloe: yeah I know man watch out.

Next day...
Tyler: remeber that uncle that tried dancing with you last night haha!
Chloe: don’t remind me -_-

by Robsy January 23, 2018


A middle age black man you will find lurking in clubs, usually wearing a suit or some sort of fresh outfit. They will want to take you for a spin not only in the bedroom but on the dance floor.

Tyler: there are so many uncles in here.
Chloe: yeah I know man watch out.

Next day...
Tyler: remeber that uncle that tried dancing with you last night haha!
Chloe: don’t remind me -_-

by Robsy January 23, 2018


The handyman, child rapist, has a mustache, has hair only on the sides of his head above the ears in your family

Child: Uncle it's 1:05 AM what are you doing?
Uncle: *unzips pants and takes off underwear*
*uncle takes a round at child's butt*

by TheTurtleOfLife February 27, 2019