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Bum Tunnel

The term used when two people of any sex create a tunnel by pressing their bare bum cheeks together, usually for the purpose of a third male party to insert their penis for sexual pleasure.

“Ryan rang at lunchtime to invite Mike and i round tonight for a bum tunnel and a curry

George “Would you like my wife and I to bum tunnel you?

Me “no”

by Leviathan Porkchop June 25, 2021

Reverse Bum

The act of offering a bum a warm meal in a restaurant with the inent to stick him/her with the check, aka reverse bum, after eating.

Employed citizen: Hey why don't you come with me to get something to eat.
Bum: wkhdujtzye...ok
-Moments before meal is completed-
Employed citizen: Wow that was good. I'm going to go to the restroom; excuse me.

Employed citizen then takes off for the door thus not paying for the meal or completing a reverse bum on the homeless person.

by dingdangdingdong September 3, 2008

Bum wrangler

A bum wrangler is a particularly aggressive homosexual male who rounds up unsuspecting gay men, often in numbers up to 8 or even 10 to use them as living jewellery by inserting his index finger in to the back passage. Just to show off to his other wrangler friends. He often keeps them captive for up to two weeks.

Have you seen Billy lately? He has become a bum wrangler, and his fingers stink.

by Polish bike rider September 13, 2016


A Bum-Stress (n.) is a synonym of a "sulk", basically meaning 'getting annoyed for a really stupid reason.

bum stress Pissed Off

Boy: What are you talking about?
Girl: You aren't replying to my texts! DO YOU HATE ME OR SOMETHING?!
Boy: I forgot to reply to ONE text! Stop getting in a bum-stress about it...

by Dunkman4000 May 12, 2011

Permit bum

Someone who can get their drivers permit but doesn't have it.

Person #1: Hey Joe get of your ass and get your permit you lazy piece of shit
Person #2: I haven't gotten to it.
Person #1: (Gasp in disbelief) Fuckin Permit bum

by truthteller312 January 28, 2020

coffee bum

A coffee bum is someone who mooches coffee from a co-worker or the office coffee fund but never gives any money to the fund or re-pays the person with the coffee. They are even known to leave a cup of coffee in the coffee pot , without making a new pot of coffee. Their best move is making change with the coffee fund money, then leaving the less than pot of coffee on the burner, until it turns to Carbon-12 on burndown mode and the fire alarm goes off.

Dick :

Hey Harry do you have any coffee ?


Yeah man


That f** ing dick never brings any coffee.

He is a f#$#ing coffee bum


WTF is that smell!?!? ?


It’s the coffee pot again! Some coffee bum didn't finish the pot.

Once again the Dick walks away. But he did make change.

by The Dude of the Stupid April 9, 2019

Bum Beard

When a person’s asshole hair is so long that it appears like a beard between their legs.

I swear that Eric has a bum beard, I saw it when we were changing in the locker room.

by Greenbriar29 March 8, 2023