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An asshole he has a tendency to say dumb shit and then defend it

You have to hang out with Dylan I'm sorry

by Quemdudndjdamxosajdj December 7, 2021


Absolute legend, pulls all the hoes and real g, must be treated with respect

Look at that Dylan, legend

by Dyllieburke November 22, 2021


een coole vent die heel rijk en cool is. iedereen mag hem.

Als ik later groot ben wil ik net zoals Dylan worden

by Kwarkjongen March 3, 2020


A complete retard with a weird obsession for japanese girls.

Man, that guy's kind of a weaboo, what a Dylan.

by Dafuckingman December 3, 2019


Dylan's are amazing men. When you find a Dylan don't let of him. Sometimes Dylan's may seem like they don't care at times but they do.

"wow you found a Dylan?1"

by xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxxoxoxoxo12314 May 28, 2020


The eshay of eshays

You simply cannot find a bigger lad than this guy, he seriously is the world's biggest eshay and he knows it too.

Oi adlay, Dylan is the biggest eshay bah

by dickodavid November 24, 2021


A stupid cheating bastard with a big dick. Will show you love but eventually cheat on you. A Dylan will love you but still treat you like shit. Yall bitches who fell in love with a Dylan,, yktv smh.

Girl: “i love you”
Dylan: “love ya too but I’m cheating on you

by BDA~big dick Ali October 2, 2018