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Sparky the J.

Slang for a joint, marijuana cigarete. Meant to be used in mixed company or just for a laugh.

"Are you comin over to chill with us tonight?"
"Who's gonna be there?"
" Just me, you and Sparky the J."

by Wizmasta January 9, 2009

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Flamin J

its a way of taking a shot of absinthe. u pour a shot of absinthe into a wine glass. after that u turn the glass side ways without spilling the absinthe. then u get a lighter and set it on fire. at that point u let it burn for a second then turn the wine glass upside down into a regular glass. u keep the wine glass on there for a second. this is when all the gases from burning the absinthe will rise to the top of the wine glass and be traped. then, real quickly u remove the wine glass and place it on a napkin that has a straw under it. right after you do that u take the shot of absinthe from the glass. as soon as ur done with that u suk in the gases through the straw thats under the wine glass. this gives you an experince that hardly nuthing can match.

Hey Jordan that Flamin J got me pretty good last nite.

by Flamin J February 16, 2009

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Purple J

Short for 'Purple Joint', a condition caused by the inability to score when it matters most. Similar to blue-veiners except accompanied by anger, seepage and uncomfortable underwear problems. Purple J's are most common in misogynists, steroid abusers and angry men in fraternity sweaters.

Biff grew rigid looking at the curves defining Trent's tight cut-off jorts and knee-high tube socks. But when the final horn sounded Trent went home and got porked by the winning mascot leaving Biff nursing his bruised ego and a Purple J.

by Heatmiser July 7, 2012

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J Card

A figurative card given from a Jewish person to a non-Jewish person allowing them to make Holocaust jokes.

"Man he roasted you like your ancestors."
"You can't say that, you don't have a J Card."

by xSTRAY_SAVAGEx November 16, 2017

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a jew

He is picking up quarters from the floor, what a J-Bird

by rainbows+unicorns August 8, 2011

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A man with unrivaled sexual prowess. he has huge yet defined muscles due to his copious sexual activity and is known to only copulate with the finest of females (models, actresses, singers etc). Some men are intimidated or feel nervous around women they find sexually attractive. not him.

Hot Bitch 1: Woah look how sexy that guy is over there. I know his jeans aren't particularly tight-fitting but I swear I can see the outline of his thick, meaty cock.

Hot Bitch 2: Yeah I know, check out how muscular, yet defined he is too. He's left me with a wet, quivering quim.

Hot Bitch 1 & 2: It must be J-Rock!

by tasty bitch May 4, 2011

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Someone who gets major ass a J-Dogg gets so much ass some people call him an ass man.

Damn look at that guy wit all them girls and his name must be J-Dogg

by jdoggokussj2 September 5, 2011

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