Keeps something fragile from breaking by setting the soft part of your foot underneath of whatever you drop form breaking.
I dropped my phone so I Hacky Boot Kicked it from landing flat on the ground.
A combination of the phrases "quaking in your boots" and "shitting your pants". Caused by extreme fear that causes you to shit diarrhea that slides down your pant legs and into your boots.
That roller coaster is so scary, it will definitely have you shitting your boots.
When you take a shit and it smells so bad you vomit into the same toilet
I woke up hungover as hell and did a boot dump in the bathroom
When your head is booting, you have a really bad headache/migraine
This is usually after a night of drinking/drugs or when you’re stressed out
“My head is Vladimir Booting!”
“Daaamn, my head is BOOTING”
Commonly used in Canadian slang , Booting is the act of buying alcohol or drugs for people under the legal drinking age.
Person 1- "Did you hear about Peters party on Friday?"
Person 2- "I sure did, but how are we going to get alcohol? Can your older sister boot for us?"
Person 1- "Yea I'll see if she is comfortable booting for us."
Another word for vomiting. Booted and Boot are also used.
Popular in some communities in Vermont and Canada (mostly Ontario but also in Quebec to some degree)
“Hold up for Tommyboy bud, he’s booting in the corner from all that shit liquor… Fuckin aye. I told him he should’ve pulled trig earlier”
To kick someone, hard, typically while wearing a boot.
When I catch him, I'll give him a good old booting