You shouldn’t be asking. But, in case of an emergency, just pop over to your local store so you can better relive yourself without having to EVER search online.
Where the heck is the toilet paper!?!?
An item that is on the endangered species list! Used to wipe your bottom. Various breeds, 2 ply 3 ply or the best , four ply. Peepole seem to think this will stop you from catching the corona.
eg1: Hey bro, you got 4 ply toilet-paper ?because im finna take a phat SHET !
eg2: doctor:"You have covid-19!" Guy :"No way! That's impossible because i bought out the toilet-paper!"
Was once one of the most valuable items of all time
Hey you got some of that spare toilet paper?
Once mackensie put his finger up his ass
Hello bruv i like toilet paper
When you want to toilet paper Laura's neighbor's house but Kirk suggests you use her sheets instead.
If we use Laura's sheets to toilet paper their house they can use a blacklight and DNA testing to find her.
When a pandemic starts everyones assholes begin spraying shit uncontrollably causing massive swarms of white trash mobbing stores to get that precious anus relief one can only get from toilet paper
Only the smooth cotton clouds of toilet paper can soothe this bleeding anus.
Paper designed for wiping your ass but will most likely no longer exist once the coronavirus is gone.
Son: "Dad, we are out of toilet paper!"
Dad: "Sorry son but every store in america is out of toilet paper, so you are just going to have to wipe your ass with your hand."