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too much homework, so little time. a complicated speciman with strict life rules and big goals. he doesnt want to let down his parents... but he wants to soar. Dont be a turtle or a hare.... be an eagle my friend. God bless america

peter drinks coffee

coffee is good, peter likes coffee

by November 23, 2021



Peter loves tiddies

by bobshagger November 23, 2021


A unit of measure invented by Type O Negative fans. One peter equals exactly two meters, which is almost the exact height of Type O's leader Peter Steele, who unfortunately died too soon.

The height of our Christmas tree is about a peter tall. If you look outside, you'll see the moon, located nearly 200 million peters away from Earth.

by cosmic user December 10, 2019


Peter is a guy who is unable to concentrate and has ADHD, however, he is very loving and pretends that he cares. He loves smoking, even though he is well aware of the potential side effects, but believes that life should be fun. As others live in countries, he lives in the moment and enjoys spending his time studying, and nailing SAT tests. If you have a Peter as a friend, you should respect and love him, but be aware, cause he will steal your girlfriend, but don't worry too long, he is a hit and run guy.

That guy is such a Peter.
I changed my religion to Peterism.

by Dolce De corum Est November 22, 2021


he has a long schlong ding ding dong aka a dick

not just a little one but a huge one Peter have the biggest cock in the world

by dick john123 June 13, 2019


Euphemism for penis.

Put your Peter away.

by PoopSock Crusader November 30, 2022


dit is tyd om te eet

peter is a pp

by mr.bobetra6838 February 7, 2021