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Steam Punk Goggles

The placing of one’s ballsack atop another’s face over the eyes; like wearing a pair of ball-goggles. Preferably, the balls are lowered in a tea-bagging fashion while the other participant is laying asleep (optional) in the supine position.

At a sleepover, the boys like to take turns trying on each others’ Steam Punk Goggles.

by Jim Swelled Sack June 9, 2024

Metallic Punk

A punk sterotype who everyone calls neon punk but is metallic punk instead.

Fashion includes:
.cool pants
.long hair
.an acessory that is always worn
.colorful tops
.flip flops
.eyeliner and lipgloss ONLY!
.Liar (not often)
.jealous or mad often
.loves rock things
.has lots of hobbies!
Metallic Punk is also known as MP for short. MPS are very nice people with unique styles and lives.

Dude: Are you neon punk cau-
MP: Shut up, I'm Metallic Punk, live with it!
MP: Thanks, wanna be metallic punk too?
Dude: YEAH!

by sammey13 December 20, 2009


The definition of punk according to Google is a worthless person often used as a general term of abuse

You’re a fucking punk

by Satins son September 15, 2022


Most closely related to an emo. A punk is a person who has a "no fucks given" attitude, wears intensely tight skinny jean, and listens to punk rock music.

So that punk kid we made fun of, is actually the lead singer for some badass band.

by HippySwag301 April 30, 2015


Deadlyfe 🖖🏾

“I’m so punk call me zoku. Wow so cool”

by Baymanzx February 25, 2021


A term of endearment for someone who's a rowdy troublemaker, usually a smartalec, in a lovable sort of way.

Cousin 1: "I love my family, I really do! If I could've picked my own family, I would've picked this one!"

Cousin 2: "Out of all of my cousins... you're one of them."

Cousin 1: "F*** you, then, punk!"

by Charlie Sue November 10, 2020


By definition in today's African American communities, a derogatory term used against gay who dress in a flamboyant way, are loud, are messy, and ussually fight women

See also: fagg*t

Girl: I don't have a problem with gays but i hate punks

by Beyoncépussylicker April 14, 2013