Someone that is on antibiotics and won't do anything fun; like have a beer.
Buckmaster, stop being an antibody bitch and come have a beer or two.
This bitch is slang referring to a female who is being goofy. Tense: informal, joking
Sara: Johnny cheated on me so I fucked his dad too
Alice: This bitch 😂😂
n. When all progress (or movement) is halted by a previously inconspicuous item (or person)
When your hammer gets stuck in a toilet "Sorry, just hold on. Just gonna break it while I get my hammer outta here! You FUCKING.. TOILET. BITCH." # TOILET BITCH
In a Snapchat text conversation:
The person who saves the texts.
So nice of him being my snap bitch, so I don't have to remember all the messages.
A BAD and boujie milk dud bitch, who’s always down as fuck.
She’s a duddy bitch, who’s the bitch now
Loving somebody one minute, than choosing to have nothing to do with them.
Nicholas is a freckled bitch when he would get in a fight with his dad one day, that says he doesn’t love him and he wants nothing to do with it.
A grown man who is offended by any and everything. Especially the name Sally.
Dude piatti is being such a sally ass bitch!