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Wasilla middle school.

Wasilla middle school is full of losers and drugies and has a lot of "juul rooms"

Thats such a Wasilla middle school.

by Ihavenomemes_v1 May 2, 2019

jfk high school

home of professional bowlers

Guy #1: Have you seen Chris Falcone's bowling GMC at jfk high school?
Guy #2: Nah, but im sure we won!

by yourlordandsavior666 June 4, 2017

Point clare public school

shitty school full of racists and spoiled kids

oh no I'm going to point clare public school

by nuhuh* January 25, 2024

Point clare public school

A school filled with rasict kids and rude teachers.

Guy 1:Hey? Have you been to Point Clare Public school ?
Guy2: Absolutly fucking not! ITS GARBAGE! Its filled with rasict kids.

by Unkownanoymous June 24, 2024

point clare public school

A crap school filled with racists and girls who fake tan.

Person1 hey I'm moving schools.
PERSON2 which school?
Person1 point clare public school!
Person2 No, trust me it is bad, okay?
Person1 Okay.

by Unkownanoymous December 15, 2023

Point Clare public school

A crappy school full of rasicts and spoiled kids.

Guy1: I'm going to point clare public school
guy2 okay that school sucks

by Unkownanoymous January 10, 2024

Point Clare Public School

A school full of racists and spoiled kids. Also, its filled with girls who fake tan.

Person 1: Hey, I'm moving schools.
Person 2: Which one?
Person 1: Point Clare Public School.
Person2: Don't move there, okay?!
Person1: Okay.

by Unkownanoymous January 2, 2024