When your Boss or supervisor always walks around with a look of "Disgust" on their face.
"My Superintendent Bruce, always walks around with this look on his face, almost as though he is Forever Shitting.
The act of defecating on the bed when you’re always angry at your significant other. Spesifically at their side of the bed.
The cleaning lady found fecal matter on the left side of the bed. Security was told that it was a practical joke gone horribly wrong. Samples taken from the fecal matter confimed that it came from a human.
The loud arguments heard the night before the incident suggested that this was indeed a revenge shit.
A phrase taken from prison vernacular.
One inmate is complaining about a situation; another inmate will say, "shit around it!" referring to having a penis inserted into their anus which must remain even if they need to defecate.
Hence they ought to do so despite the presence of the penis in their anus.
A way of saying, "deal with it."
Inmate 1: "I got a D.R. for lewd behavior just because I grabbed my crotch at a cop and now I won't get my visit next week!"
Inmate 2: "Shit around it, punk!"
This term has two possibles meaning;
1. Something which is both shit and shocking
2. Something so shocking that it has proverbial the ability to shock shit itself
1. "Dave's car accident was shit-shocking"
2. "That cow giving birth to an alligator on the News was so unexpected that it was shit-shocking!"
When a situation is so terrible a single use of profanity is not enough.
Everyone ran well today considering the shit ass fuck winter weather.
Gaining a six pack from pushing out a shit.
"I got a shits pack after eating that"
A bag of shit cunt is a bag of shit with a small pussy inside in other words a man that is full of crap and is PUSSY.
Andy told me that he isn't scared of paul but when paul went to his house to fight him andy hid !! What a bag of shit cunt !!
You bag of shit cunt !! Is an insult used to define how much 1person dislikes another by combining shit and cunt and putting into a bag !!
I hate that bitch so much she's such a fukingg ..... Bag of shit cunt
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