Used when someone is clearly making up an excuse for something. Derived from the kids who would always claim they had a girlfriend but that "you wouldn't know her, she goes to another school".
Jack: I'm usually good at throwing a frisbee, it must be the wind.
Elliot: Yeah dude totally, "she goes to another school".
A classy hustling self Goal driven boss
Classy independently self driven “she balenci “
Advice for someone being bullied by a rich bitch and they're are rich. Lie about your wealth.
"I am being bullied by the rich bitch. what should I do?" Person 1
"When she's around, don't let the truth be of sound." Person 2
basically means you or they did really good, you usually drag out the “shitteddddd”
(he/she/you shitted)
Give up there's no point she doesnt like you just fucking give up
"I like her but she doesn't me she likes someone else"
something said in an olivia rodrigo song
person 1: damn she’s like so kind
person 2: hey urban dictionary says there’s an error in this form
person 1: oh yea that’s because i forgot to say the exact phrase “she’s kind”