Source Code

breaky d


i can't wait 'til this exam is over, i'm about to have a breaky d

by LA(dson)TOUR May 8, 2011

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I began using "d-pos" over ten years ago, but recently I have recognized its growing popularity as a mainstream insult. In the past it was only something to be used with my closest friends. However, I'm beginning to hear other people use it, so I'm proud to officially introduce "D-positive" to the Urban Dictionary...

"D-positive" (also known as "d-pos") is growing in popularity throughout the DC-metropolitan area. It is a nickname based upon the acronym of a very commonplace insult: "dumb piece of sh*t".

If for whatever reason, you need to keep the language clean (like you're at grandma's house), calling someone "d-positve" is the safe/clean alternative to the potentially more offensive "dumb piece of sh*t"...

(D-positive = D.P.O.S. = Dumb Piece Of Sh*t)

Dorm Room Etiquette:
"Who's the d-pos that puked in the hallway last night?"

Holidays With The Family:
"Dad are you D-positive?"

Dorm Room Etiquette Continued:
"Which one of you depoโ€™s took my toothbrush?"

by Alan King September 3, 2004

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D bag

chodes; would rather bang their best bro over a slam piece

Matt and Jason McDaniel are d bags

by Idick April 13, 2010

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A nickname that usually is for black people but can be used for whites whose names start with the letter D and if they are Cooler than a Scandonavian in Artesia!

Hey Darrel, why does everyone call you D-Rizzle?

by Darell7 October 29, 2008

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s-in the d

Short for or a nicer way to say "suckin the dick"

"I took this girl out last nite and she ended up s-in the d"

by Dane Shearer September 8, 2006

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An alternate word for "Douch" used to referring to somebody and/or thing. Pronounced "Dee Couch".

Chris: John dont talk to Tim.
John : Why not?
Chris: Because he is a D-Couch.
John: Oh! I see!

by John (Mickey D) June 23, 2007

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Sn' D

Short for Suckin' some dick.

"y0, where's mike?"
"Sn' D, as usual."

by deap November 18, 2006

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