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#1 Battle Royal

The message that appears on your screen after winning a round of Fortnite

Dude I got a #1 Battle Royal

by Fortnite Porn June 30, 2018

Alta-1 Malaga

A building connected to grace life church for drop-kicks and mentally deranged students.

The popular kids group after school to smoke and talk shit and it’s probably about you.

When an Alta-1 student dies they respawn at mirrabooka bus station or Maccas.

Thing 1: “What’s the building next to grace life church?”
Thing 2: “oh Alta-1 Malaga? Students there just smoke, do drugs, and cry”

by SmashedCrab August 16, 2019

Extol 62:1

Another name for the furry site E621.
Used in public to keep people from knowing you are a furry.

I am an avid reader of Extol 62:1

by God_Of_Femboys February 24, 2021

#1 sandwich maker

Synonym: Lizzy

Person 1: I am so hungry..
Person 2: Ask the best #1 sandwich maker to make you one!
Person 1: Who might that be?
Person 2: Lizzy! Of course!

by Python3 August 9, 2019

I'm diamond 1

Someone who is very skilled at something. This mostly applying to people who are very good at Rainbow 6 Siege.

*James wins a 1v5*
James: I'm so fuckin good at this game, I'm diamond 1!

by Random_dude_on_corner May 3, 2023

2👍 1👎

Mouse 1 warrior

When in a shooter game, the "mouse 1 warrior" is a player who only holds mouse one (fire button) and sprays at you

Player with LMG: *constantly spraying you*
Bob: This dude is a mouse 1 warrior!!!!!

by Xanny Boi September 14, 2018

1 gun salute

The middle finger salute.
Flicking someone off.

Teacher: Did you just give that kid the 1 gun salute?
Student: No, wtf are you talking bout?

by Mastersam0 June 11, 2008

6👍 1👎