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1: A piece of fried pork belly
2: A roblox person with the hair that looks like bacon

1: would you like some bacon
2: excuse me mr bacon, that's not how it works

by UrLocalSeagull November 1, 2023


The worlds greatest creation
Maybe even God's. 🐷

Only bacon can help us now!

by aRandomPerson👋 November 17, 2017


all I need to say is… pig..

I ate bacon today

by berrylea December 3, 2021


A word that defines a person, place or thing as viewed by popularity culture. Similar words would include: "cool", "wicked", "dope".

"that car is so Bacon"

by Daniel Webster Urban ctionist June 14, 2020


Uk slang. A uk prison name for sex offender.

Derived from rhyming slang - bacon bonce - nonce.

''That new con on A wing is a bacon'

by Sidders.02 March 27, 2021


British rhyming slang for sex offender.

Bacon bonce = Nonce.

Gets shortened to Bacon.

(Nonce - Acronym of Not Of Normal Criminal Element)

A common word used as an informal banter amongst UK prison officers.

Look at that dude eyeing up that young girl. Dirty bacon!!

Stay away from the guy at number 5. He's a bacon.

Banter - 'Alright Del, you old bacon! Long time no see!'

by Sidders.02 March 26, 2021


The most heavenly thing in the world.

John: What you eating?
Sarah: Heaven. A.K.A. Bacon

by ILikePancakes July 24, 2013