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Nutty Buddy

“Straight” friends who jack off to each other and proceed to say “no homo.”

Sam: “Yeah I have a nutty buddy, but I’m not gAy

You are. You are gay.

by keensonmyfeet69 August 21, 2019

Buddy pocket

Paying someone under the table

They added money to their buddy pocket to get things done under the table.

by TiffanyJ94 October 16, 2021

mini buddie

close friendship between people who only know each other over the internet.

That's my mini Buddie criminal_apple19

by Helly K November 7, 2008

Buddy Everett

Bum. Taker from children

That’s a buddy everett ass move Jenky mf

by Penile wrinkle April 29, 2020

therapy buddy

The person (opposite gender) that you go to with all issues/worries you have, especially concerning those of the same sex as your therapy buddy, they always know what to say, and how to solve your problems.

When (name) asked me out, i had to text my therapy buddy right away, I had no idea what to do

My therapy buddy is so great, I don't know what I'd do without him

by FlabberDabberFulscreen September 27, 2017

iggy buddy

A friend on ignore status that you talk to from time to time.

Iggy - Ignore
Buddy - Friend

Totally a thing.

Hey, iggy buddy, what's going on?

by tardmuffin June 28, 2014

Puck buddy

Type of relationship where two people partake in romantic activities but can’t have sex, Pluck buddies, unlike fuck buddies, can only go as far as kissing.

We can’t have sex, we are puck buddies.
He’s my Puck Buddy, i’m too scared to have sex with him.

by Lynda Dictionary official July 31, 2022