Source Code

closet Canadian

Literally anyone in Minnesota

He's from Minnesota. Their all closet Canadians

by FruitSnacks2 September 6, 2021

Canadian bro

A Canadian bro is someone who loves the Canadian vag, but would bend over for The PM’s hot cock

Wow that Canadian bro can get any girl in here but I know he wants Justin’s pee pee.

by Canadian Bro Cock October 7, 2017

Canadian Fur Coat

Pubic hair. Specifially crotch pubic hair.

He pulled down his pants and he was sporting a really warm Canadian fur coat.

by Ersatzverite July 15, 2023

The Canadian Cart

The Shop That Eats Its Competitors For Breakfast.

"Oh Hey.. Have You checked the Canadian Cart"

"yeah those guys.. Been giving other shops a run for their money"

by Stranger Danger Son November 23, 2021

The Canadian Cart

The Shop That Eats Its Competitors For Breakfast.

The shop that's in its own class

Woman 1: "Hey have u guys checked out The Canadian Cart? "
Woman 98: " You mean The Shop Thats been given its competitors a run for their money? Of Course I have!"

by Stranger Danger Son November 23, 2021

Canadian powerhouse

When you grind Denim on denim.. cause that’s mad static yo

Yo me and my girl Canadian powerhoused till my dick was raw.

by Sir der June 23, 2021

Canadian bagel

When a man spreads a vagina lips fills it with a bagel spread of there choosing, then closing it back up. This then followed by the drinking of the spread flavored piss.

Hey man last night i got one hell of a Canadian bagel.
really, what flavor?
Cream cheese my favorite.

by havensplayer June 7, 2018