Source Code

On The Code

Slang originated from a britian tiktoker following a duck with a plate of food, as to what the code is it could range from 1-10 or A-Z; you could possibly even mix them up.

Girl1: I would smack your mama when I see her!


Girl2 *speaking to Girl1*: What does that mean..

by jxyy05 February 12, 2024

Code Hammer

kōd ˈhamər

1. A code hammer is a developer/engineer who is very good at solving very specific problems, but is otherwise unable to help with the development process due to either a lack of vision, a lack of interest, or is just overwhelmed by the scope of a project.

2. A code hammer is a developer/engineer who helps their dumbest friend solve problems they should really know how

to solve themselves.

My buddy Josh is a real "code hammer" I give him a task and he solves it no problem; but I ask for ideas on the project and he's all shoulders.

by MrGaud August 28, 2022

Code Hammer

kōd ˈhamər

1. A code hammer is a developer/engineer who is very good at solving very specific problems, but is otherwise unable to help with the development process due to either a lack of vision, a lack of interest, or is just overwhelmed by the scope of a project.

2. A code hammer is a developer/engineer who helps their dumbest friend solve problems they should really know how

to solve themselves.

My buddy Josh is a real "code hammer" I give him a task and he solves it no problem; but I ask for ideas on the project and he's all shoulders.

by MrGaud August 28, 2022

Code rainbow

An airliner terminology, particularly used by mobbed or disrespected check-in agents, by some retarded passengers.

When the situation escalates to this point, the agent has no other choice but to redirect the passengers luggage to Easter island or some remote airport with two flights a month.

This has been used in several European airports after repeated assault and aggressive behavior towards professional airline staff.

In some extreme situations we also developed code RAMBO. Please check and like

Pax screams at agent : why don’t you do your fucking job nigger ??

Agents says: we have a code Rainbow !

British airways

Passenger calls the check-in agent a disgusting little prostitute cunt !

- Code rainbowcode rainbow !

United airlines

by SKYWALKER AA July 15, 2022

Code H

Means "Code Hot" or "Code Hottie"

Used to describe an attractive guy or girl without them knowing

"Yo, dude, she's a Code H"
"I know right, she's a 10"

by Titflickersanddicklickers November 23, 2016

Code Vio

A code violation, a permanent punishment that can stain your record

Guy, I just got like 3 code vio's

by honestlymehnnn September 8, 2021

The Playa Code

see playa phi playa.

"I go by The Playa Code, baby".

by Used by permission of PlayaPhiPlaya May 22, 2007